
Live Zero Waste: 7 Eco-friendly Items You Need In Your Bag When you go out!

Want to go zero waste and do much more than being eco-friendly on certain occasions? With these seven essentials that you can carry in your bag, you can make a positive impact on our environment.

Whether it is your wallet, car keys, smartphone or the coffee tumbler that you adore, few other essentials are an integral part of our lives. Without them, we can’t even think about stepping out of the house. And if we forget any one of them, we will not think twice before heading back home.

While some of these things are reusable, the other items are made from single-use plastic that lead to heaps of wastage, every single day. From plastic bottles to plastic straws that you use in coffee, everything is harmful to nature as well as your health.

But if you are determined to do something that impacts the environment positively, you can begin by making small changes in your lifestyle. A small change every day can give the world a positive way to lead a sustainable zero waste life. Check out these 7 eco-friendly products you can slip right into your work bag to live more eco-friendly life:

A Glass or Metal Bottle

We know how important it is to stay hydrated. But did you ever think how an innocent act of carrying a plastic bottle has wreaked havoc on our planet?
According to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) report, India alone generates around 26,000 tonnes of plastic a day. A little over 10,000 tonnes of plastic waste remains uncollected. Uncollected plastic waste ends up in our oceans, seas or piling up on our lands.

So should you stop carrying a water bottle with you? No! But make it a habit to take it in a glass or metal bottle. As important as it is to stay hydrated, it is equally essential to consider nature while doing so. Carrying an eco-friendly or reusable bottle will solve both the purposes.

Live Zero Waste 7 Eco-friendly Items You Need In Your Bag When you go out! (1)

Reusable Bags

Truth to be told, a cloth bag consumes more energy than a plastic bag in its production. But, where a single-use plastic bag will take hundreds of years to decompose, a cloth or jute bag can be used multiple times and its bio-degradable too. You can fold a cloth bag and slip into your pocket for that unplanned grocery shopping. This act of carrying eco-friendly bags on-the-go will restrict the use of plastic bags.

Live Zero Waste 7 Eco-friendly Items You Need In Your Bag When you go out! (2)

Eco-friendly disposable tableware

Sometimes while outing or picnics, we carry single use plastic disposables. While they do provide convenience, their usage also damages the environment. Also, plastic cutlery made from polystyrene 1, which is commonly referred to as Styrofoam. When you use them in your food, they release harmful chemicals that contaminate every morsel that you take.

Let’s make it a habit to carry eco-friendly disposable cutlery for the next picnic plans? The ecofriendly tableware from Ecoware are made from sugarcane pulp, their composition makes them biodegradable and compostable too. They are healthy whether you use them in hot or cold food, as they are 100% natural. Carrying biodegradable disposable tableware is the easiest solution to reduce plastic waste.

Biodegradable Straws

Fancy a bubble tea or a coffee during your lunch break? Plastic straws may seem small and unharmful, but they have caused massive damage to aquatic life. Can we ever forget the viral video of the tortoise with a straw stuck in its nostrils? To enjoy a guilt-free drink, switch to wooden or paper straws that are eco-friendly, disposable and biodegradable. From wood to paper straws, you can pick anything you like. Say no to the plastic straw, next time you are dining out!

Steel Box

To stay in sync with this fast-paced life, many of us are always moving. And to reach work on time, we often grab a meal from a café, which comes in a plastic box. So for all the times that you order or grab lunch, keep a small steel box in your bag. You can ask them to pack your food in that steel box instead of a plastic one. You can also go the extra mile and purchase biodegradable containers made from natural resources.

Reusable Mugs

Most of the time we ask for plastic disposables whenever we are treating ourselves at a juice shop. But as we all know how plastic is harmful to our environment. It is better to ask for eco-friendly disposable cups or glass mugs next time.

Green Oil Blotter Sheets

Oil blotter sheets are meant to be ‘used and throw’. But many of these life-saving products are made from non-degradable material. But thanks to many advances in technology, you can still keep your skin oil-free by remaining eco-friendly. Use sustainable blotting sheets made from natural materials and maintain glowing, naturally!

Going zero waste may appear a little tricky at first, but in the long run, it can fetch favorable results for the environment. Initially, carrying these items in your bag would feel heavy, but they do not weigh too much. Before you know it, you will be leading an eco-friendly lifestyle.

Want to buy biodegradable disposable tableware? Visit – your one-stop-shop for eco-friendly cutlery.


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