
Too Much Plastic in Kitchen? 7 Easy Ways to Run an Eco-friendly Kitchen

It is said that a kitchen is the heart of the home! While it may appear a humble corner in our abode where we satiate our hunger pangs and midnight cravings. On digging a little deeper, you will discover that it also generates plastic waste in bulk!

Take a pause and look around, from that big plastic container you purchased last week; it is neither eco-friendly nor biodegradable. From polybags to plastic cutlery, you will notice how much plastic surrounds you. They are taking over our kitchens entirely and having an impact on our health as well as our planet.

But thankfully, with a little thought and smart choices, it is possible to reduce and eliminate the use of single-use plastic.  For instance, you can replace polybags with jute or cloth bags and use eco-friendly disposable tableware instead of plastic cutlery at your next party! So here are 7 fuss-free ways to be more eco-friendly and energy-efficient in the kitchen:

Cook Smartly

Cook Smartly

For some, the idea of running an eco-friendly kitchen might begin with eating green, but it certainly doesn`t end here! To be aware of the correct cooking techniques is equally important. For example, cooking a dish in a pressure cooker or close-fitted pans will help you save a lot of energy as well as the cooking time.

Get Playful With left-over food

Close-fitted Pans

And with that, we don`t want you to host a food-war, where everyone throws food at everybody in a ‘playful’ manner. But to be more creative to come up with mouth-watering recipes for leftover food. Instead of throwing it, use the leftover food in making a yummy breakfast for yourself and your family.

Compost Your Food Scraps

Try to cook food in a sufficient quantity, however, if you are still left with food scraps and leftovers, use them to prepare the compost. Composting is another way of running an eco-friendly kitchen as it helps to produce fertilizer from waste food instead of wasting it.

Compost Your Food Scraps

Also, if you host a vast gathering, switching to eco-friendly disposable cutlery can help you go green! Put biodegradable cutlery along with peels, seeds, and even bread crumbs in a composting bin to create good manure for your backyard.

Stop Bringing Polybags Home

Bid adieu to polybags and like we suggested earlier, replace them with a cloth or jute bags. A cloth or a jute bag can be reused and can be carried inside your bag. You can also invest vegetable baskets that have inbuilt segregation. This way, you can easily carry your grocery items in the most eco-friendly way.

Go For Eco-friendly Disposable Cutlery

Biodegradable Disposable Tableware

Planning to host a gathering for your anniversary or birthday? Make it more special by making it an eco-friendly one by using biodegradable disposable tableware instead of plastic cutlery! Made from sugarcane pulp, this tableware is easily compostable as they are 100% natural and chemical-free. So why not serve delicious meals to your guests in eco-friendly disposable cutlery, this year?

Smarten Up Your Storage

Smarten Up Your Storage

Pull your socks up and smarten up the way you store your fresh vegetables and fruits. How?  Well, just like investing in biodegradable disposable tableware, invest in reusable vegetable storage bags. You will not only reduce your plastic waste in the kitchen but your food waste too!

Get Metal or Wooden Utensils

Non-stick utensils and cookware may sound interesting, but they release toxic fumes upon heating, which is carcinogenic. It can lead to various health problems. Hence, opt for utensils that are made from iron or stainless steel to run an eco-friendly kitchen.

A plastic-free kitchen is possible! And if you are determined to make your kitchen eco-friendly, follow the aforementioned tips and do not forget to switch to eco-friendly disposable tableware and other green alternatives. You will enjoy both- health and a healthy environment!

And if you want to explore the world of biodegradable disposable tableware, you can log on to You can find a wide trove of sustainable tableware ranging from sugarcane bagasse plates, biodegradable paper bowls, compostable catering trays, disposable wooden spoons, and eco-friendly disposable cups too. Visit the website to order in bulk today!

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