
How to Help Others during the Coronavirus Outbreak

The coronavirus crisis continues to have profound effects on our society. Schools and businesses are closed, hospitals are overwhelmed, and unemployment numbers are rising. It has sent shockwaves through industry and economy alike, but its real impact has been on people tragedies, both big and small, can be difficult to process. While it is easy to feel powerless in such an unprecedented situation, it is important to support others during this challenging time.

Here are a few ways that you can take care of those around you during the outbreak and make it a little bit easier for us to all get through this together.

Be responsible

One of the first and best ways to help your local community is to follow the guidelines set by the government and the health authorities for preventing the spread of COVID-19. This means avoiding gathering in groups, staying home when sick, maintaining safe distances when in public, and being mindful of any other strategies issued by health or government officials. Practice social-distancing, wash your hands often, cover your mouth when you sneeze and cough, and don’t touch your face are some of the responsibilities that every person should follow.

Support Essential Workers

Support Essential Workers

While non-essential workers may be working from home, or temporarily on leave, the essential workers who continue to trudge into work, day in and day out, need our support more than ever. Medical personnel, truck drivers, drive-thru workers, supermarket staffers, delivery drivers, social workers – these people are continuing to work for the benefit of our communities. Ask if they could use a meal, some coffee or even a few words of appreciation can go a long way.

Providing paid leaves

To ease the concerns of employees during the novel coronavirus outbreak, businesses should encourage sick employees to stay home, improve office hygiene and cleanliness, reduce business travel, let employees work remotely if possible, and provide paid leaves. Many companies and businesses in India are protecting and helping their employees in the fight against COVID-19 by introducing special provisions and assuring paid leaves.

Donate to hospitals and healthcare workers

Donate to Hospitals and Healthcare Workers

Local and national nonprofits are struggling to meet patient’s needs as the coronavirus sickens thousands of people and forces shutdowns of schools and businesses. Hospitals are facing a shortage of crucial resources to properly combat COVID-19. From delivering personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical machinery to providing training and expertise, these organizations are helping healthcare workers stay safe on the front lines. Donating to organizations like PM Narendra Modi’s relief fund, WHO, and other non-profit organizations can help hospitals gather more resources to combat COVID-19.

Stay connected with family and friends

Simply reaching out to those most severely affected by coronavirus can be a big help in such a turbulent time. These people may be stuck in their homes and need food deliveries, or simply looking for some emotional support. Staying connected with others through social media and calling your family members can be the key to getting through this outbreak together.

Feed the hungry

Feed the Hungry

With many people out of work or unable to shop for groceries, food insecurity and hunger are serious concerns for the country’s vulnerable populations, like the elderly, homeless, unemployed, and the many millions of people who have been out of work and food in the wake of the pandemic. Food banks are likely to become more needed than ever in the coming weeks so it would be a good deed to feed those in need.

Biodegradable Disposable Tableware

You can also provide food to homeless people in your locality but make sure you don’t serve them in plastic or steel plates as these are prone to hosting the virus. Instead, you can use eco-friendly biodegradable plates and bowls from Ecoware. These biodegradable products are made from sugarcane pulp and crop waste which reduces the chances of contamination. You can also buy other products like eco-friendly disposable cutlery, biodegradable disposable glasses, and biodegradable food packaging from

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