
The 3 R’s: Reimagine – Recreate – Restore (A way to a sustainable lifestyle)

This World Environment Day let’s focus on reversing the degradation of our ecosystems by reimagining the ways to recreate and restore our planet. 

Ecoware is working hard to make our planet a healthier and safer place by eliminating plastic with their biodegradable tableware products.

Today we will highlight the three R’s where we can restore our planet.


Have you ever thought about how much plastic we are using and consuming in our daily routines? Rethink and observe how many plastic products are there in your surroundings. From toothbrushes to water bottles to all the food packaging boxes everything is made up of plastic. Plastic is everywhere and has grown its roots so deep that it would take years to completely eliminate it from our lives. 

Make a list of all the products you are using that are made up of plastic and how many of them can be replaced with healthier, safer and eco friendly products.

Considering the plastic pollution and its perilous effects on our planet and all living beings, Ecoware came up with an unique solution of substituting plastic. All Ecoware products are not plant-based products. They are made from agricultural waste, i.e. sugarcane bagasse. They don’t harm our environment and are 100% eco friendly. 



Pick out all the unnecessary things made from plastic and find an eco friendly alternative to them. The higher consumption of plastic is in the kitchen. From plastic lining on lids of glass jars and food tins to the bin bags we are using, everything is made up of plastic. 

Ecoware products are certified biodegradable and compostable. They are composed of plant waste and turn into the soil in 90 days leaving no harmful residue. The agricultural waste that is being used to manufacture Ecoware tableware products is typically burnt which causes air pollution as it is of no use to farmers. Therefore, we are also able to reduce that.



It is very essential to restore our natural resources for our future generations. We would never want our children or their children to live on piles of plastic. The plastic packaging we use or the food packaging made from plastic usually end up in the oceans. This is the main issue of water pollution. So many water species have to face life threatening problems because of this. 

Switch to the environment friendly food packaging today and save the endangered species. Ecoware is a certified USDA Bio-based tableware company*. This means all our products contain only plant based biomass and nothing else. It is a natural and sustainable alternative to synthetic materials such as plastic, aluminum, Styrofoam or paper with a petroleum based lining. 

This is our moment. We cannot turn back time. But we can grow trees, green our cities, rewild our gardens, change our diets and clean up rivers and coasts. We are the generation that can make peace with nature.

Enjoy the wide range of Ecoware eco friendly tableware products and help restore our planet. 

Save Planet and Use ECOWARE

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Why is bagasse most suitable for tableware products?

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The Environmental Impact Of Food Packaging

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