
6 Amazing benefits of sustainable packaging for your brand

Sustainable packaging is no longer the future for packaging. Most of the companies are looking into sustainable packaging solutions nowadays. We can say that eco-friendly packaging is the present state and the foreseeable future in package design.

Eco-friendly packaging is not only a better option for the environment but a great investment too. If your brand is actively pursuing a positive image in the eyes of the consumer, switching to sustainable packaging process can be very helpful. Switching to green packaging solutions now only helps the environment but your business too as it needs fewer materials. This is more sustainable and also gives better results.

Switching to sustainable packaging doesn’t need drastic changes in business practices. Even simple changes in your organization can make a huge difference.

Sustainable packaging also offers major benefits to brands that adopt it. There are many benefits that come along with switching to eco-friendly packaging. Here are 6 benefits of implementing sustainable packaging for your brand:

1. Sustainable packaging reduces your carbon footprint

The carbon footprint for your business can be defined as the amount of CO2 and other carbon compounds emitted due to the consumption of fossil fuels in your organization. Sustainable packaging helps your business in reducing its carbon footprint.

Eco-friendly packaging is made of recycled waste material which reduces the consumption of resources. With a successful implementation of eco-friendly packaging, including materials and processes, your business can reduce the negative impacts that it has had on the environment.

Benefits Of Sustainable Packaging for your brand (6)

Many consumers today care about the impact they have on the environment themselves. This connects them to the products they choose to purchase and the brands they choose to be loyal to. By switching to sustainable packaging you can include that in how you go to market with your products. You can capitalize on your brand’s corporate responsibility in being eco-friendly directly on your packaging.

2. Easy disposal

The type of packaging material and you use for your products may vary but it should either be compostable or recyclable. If a compost facility is available at your customer’s end then they can turn the waste packaging into compost. Or, if your packaging carries the logo of ‘recyclable packaging’ then it can be thrown into the recycling bin for re-use.

Benefits of Sustainable Packaging

3. Get more storage and more space

You can get more storage and more space by switching to a sustainable packaging solution for your product. By switching to a sustainable packaging solution you find innovative ways to make sure that you are being efficient about the quantity of packaging material being used.

This includes space required for storage, transport and shelf space in a retail store. You save space on all fronts which save you money in the long run.


Benefits Of Sustainable Packaging for your brand (1)

4. Free of allergens and toxins

Most of the eco-friendly biodegradable packaging options are non-toxic and allergy-free. People, nowadays, are concerned with what products and the materials the goods they purchased are packaged with. What are they made out of and the harm they can potentially have on their health and well-being. Not only is a sugarcane pulp packaging material is better for the safety and health of consumers, but it also gives a consumer more incentive to buy your product.

5. It is biodegradable

Eco-friendly packaging solutions not only reduce your carbon footprint and environmental impact but is also beneficial after it has served its purpose. Considering the packaging materials are biodegradable, they can be disposed of easily without harming the environment.

6. Improves your brand image

Eco-friendly packaging on your products creates a good impression of your company. It displays that you care about the environment as well as depicting that you are a responsible company. According to a study, 78% of customers between the ages of 18 and 72 feel more positive about a product or manufacturer whose packaging contained recycled materials.


Benefits Of Sustainable Packaging for your brand (4)

When creating packaging, especially if you are an e-Commerce company, by switching to green packaging solutions you can not only send packages to consumers but save money when it comes to returns. Instead of providing extra materials for returning a package just include the return mailing address and request the consumer use the shipment packaging itself.

Making your packaging sustainable might not be something you can do overnight, but it definitely is something worth looking into. Get a plan in place for the next 5 years. It will help you in reducing your carbon footprint, expanding your brand into new markets, increase sales and will reduce the amount of money you are spending on packaging materials.

So, what green packaging solutions are you using. Share in comments below.

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2 thoughts on “6 Amazing benefits of sustainable packaging for your brand

  1. Wonderful! A sustainable packaging material is a great way to help the environment while improving your brand’s image. Couldn’t agree more to its amazing benefits. It is useful, easy to dispose , and affordable!

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