Tag Archives: Eco-friendly Life

Compost is one of the most important supplements you can use in your garden. It adds nutrient-rich humus to your garden or lawn, fuels plant growth and restores vitality to depleted soil. The best part is, with all these amazing benefits, backyard composting is absolutely free, doesn’t need much space, easy to manage, and eco-friendly.

Tableware made from natural elements like sugarcane pulp has a lot of benefits. Sugarcane pulp products manufacturers like Ecoware offer a wide range of sustainable tableware for personal and commercial use.

Every festival is meant to be celebrated in great spirits. But it is also our responsibility to keep our surroundings, waterways and cities absolutely clean. From serving snacks in biodegradable tableware to bringing clay idols at home, there are plenty of ways to celebrate Navratri in a truly divine manner.

There are many ways through which we can definitely help save the environment. After all, a healthy environment and glistening lakes, oceans and a green planet are all we can leave for the next generation. So Green up your acts now!

Organizing eco friendly events can be easy if the resources are used responsibly and efficiently. From switching to compostable tableware made from agricultural products like sugarcane pulp to reducing carbon footprint, if done right, we can simply save our planet from dying. So stay away from plastic disposables and save the environment.

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