
According to Better India report, if we keep generating waste at this rate then by the year 2050, India will need a landfill that’s the size of Delhi to dump all its waste.

With all the celebrations we forget an important aspect for the consequences it has on our environment. Days after Diwali celebrations are followed by terrific air pollution, noise pollution, wastage of all-natural resources and what not

With changing eating habits and awareness towards healthier options, Veganism has become the new mantra for leading a healthier lifestyle. From vegan food to vegan tableware, plant-based products have paved their way in the global market.

There are many emerging trends and new technologies breaking into the world of consumer goods and packaging. One such trend is sustainable and biodegradable packaging. It has been proven over time that companies who have adopted and embraced eco-friendly packaging into their supply chain, have been able to differentiate their brands in the marketplace.

COVID-19 has forced us to pivot and think more creatively, collaborate and engage with our communities thereby bringing us closer. We know when people come together, we accomplish more. And this is a survival tactic we are seeing world over.

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