About us

Our Promise

We created Ecoware to make the most sustainable packaging in the most ethical way possible. All our products are 100% natural, compostable and biodegradable.

Ecoware is a one-stop shop for eco-friendly products that are 100% natural, biodegradable, and easily affordable.

Ecoware was founded in 2010. We convert common crop waste into sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics which have caused untold damage to the environment and adversely impact human health. 100% of our revenue is derived by applying principles of a circular economy. We have 12 sales partners globally, 23 distributors in India, and 500+ point-of-sales shops.

Circular Economy

The Ecoware mode of design and production ensures the end of life usage for all our products. This implies eliminating waste, creating step changes in resource productivity, and at the same time enhancing the customer value proposition. Ecoware creates $2.41 of ESG impact for every $1 invested by the company.



We are the most certified manufacturer of sustainable packaging in India.

Rhea Mazumdar Singhal

Founder & CEO

Rhea founded Ecoware at a time when there was little awareness about the harmful effects of plastic. Cheap oil prices had led to a proliferation of plastic production and usage. Yet, the devastation caused to the natural environment and the harmful effects on human and animal health went unnoticed. There were no plastic bans, educational campaigns, advocacy, or incentives to change consumer behavior. This is when Rhea decided to disrupt the commoditized packaging industry by creating a natural and healthy alternative to single-use plastics.

Rhea is now a global thought leader on sustainability. In 2019 Rhea was awarded the Nari Shakti Puraskar, the highest civilian honor for women, by the President of India. Rhea is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, an Asia 21 Young Leader, and an active member of two Indian industry national committees. Rhea has attended the University of Bristol, Oxford, and Harvard University.


  • Mahatma Award for Social Impact
  • Winner, The Unreasonable + Barclays Impact COVD-19 Global Response Grant
  • Finalist, Innovation Impact Grant Programme, Expo 2020, Dubai
  • Finalist, The Circular Awards, World Economic Forum, Davos
  • Runner-up, Indian Circular Economy Awards, New Delhi
  • Member, National Restaurants Association of India
  • Nominated, India 5000 Best MSME Awards 2020
  • Sustainable Vendor of the Year, Wal-Mart, India
  • India Design Mark, India Design Council
  • Indian Railways Tender Awardee
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